Tuesday, June 14, 2011

B4: Building a Business with Baby on Booby

Really computer lady? Is that what I'm supposed to be doing?

...And wipe that simple ass grin off your face!!!

Women of the world: we have to do it all, don't we?!?! If it wasn't for that chick Eve and her apple! Good grief!

So, I'm in the process of redeveloping my marketing company, Melanie Gayles Marketing. Something... in the VERY back of my mind... I mean- a weeeee corner in the very dark cob webby back, told me it would be a good idea to try this while I am still breastfeeding my newborn son. Have you ever tried to type on a laptop while a baby's head is in the way? If not, may I take the pleasure of suggesting you don't anytime soon.

Breastfeeding is like a sport for champions. And I... well, I am like in the remedial class of this championship tourney... with the people who were picked last for dodge ball. I mean, I've seen moms who whip out their boob like it's a weapon. I, on the other hand, have problems even finding the stupid bra clip. Seriously. I'm beginning to wonder if this is a hand/eye coordination thing I need to get checked out...

So, suffice to say,because I am slow on the draw, my son and I are at this thing all day. And I don't say that as a metaphor for like 10 minutes. I mean, all day. And all night. And the middle of the night. And during the blackout, "ain't nothin' open but hospitals and legs" hours of the morning. Get it?

When they said bonding experience, I was thinking emotional... not crazy glue.

But there are times, when he goes to sleep- like now- and I can commence with my worldwide domination (muwahahahaha). So far, I've built my website, started this blog, come up with some events to spread my shenanigans with the world, found a semi-investor (we'll get to that later). Not bad for doing it all while walking around with my B4 bonding kit attached to me!

I guess we can have it all. Sort of...

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